Curve Cleaver is an independent IT Services and Support provider for a large variety of third party products, brands and services. Any use of Trademarks, Brands, Products and Services is referential and Curve Cleaver, hereby, disclaims any association, affiliation – direct or indirect, or representation in any form, of any such brand, product or service.
Curve Cleaver does not accept liability beyond the remedies set in the terms and conditions, including but not limited to any liability for product not being available for use, lost profits, loss of business or for lost or corrupted data or software, or the provision of services and support.
It is strongly suggested that you may contact the relevant third party for permitted use and specific offerings associated with the software, hardware and peripherals being used by you. If the product is under warranty we reusmend you to contact the third party for support. Should you still wish, you always have an option to avail our services at your cost. Use of trademark logos, wherever applicable, by Curve Cleaver for respective third parties is on a mutually exclusive non-endorsing basis and not representative of any association in any form, limiting the liabilities of our services as specified in the details of the Plans that we offer.
Except as expressly provided herein, Curve Cleaver will not be liable for any consequential, special, indirect, or punitive damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any third party. You agree that for any liability related to the purchase of services,Curve Cleaver is not liable or responsible for any amount of damages above the amount you may pay for services offered by us.